22日开赛前签到处前集结的诺和诺德队队员, 他们身患糖尿病,你信吗? 这就是骑行的魅力!
他们胸前的 changing diabetes 的意思是 改变糖尿病!
中间那个车手应该是19岁确诊患有糖尿病 的全能型车手史蒂芬·克兰西 CLANCY Stephen
2012年11月,基于共同的目标——教育和鼓舞世界上被糖尿病困扰的人们,诺和诺德公司和Phil Southerland先生(现任诺和诺德队CEO)一同创立了诺和诺德队。这支全由糖尿病患者组成的男子专业自行车队在国际自行车联盟洲际巡回赛上绽放光彩,并参加全世界许多专业比赛。
到今年七月,车队已经赢得15个前十名的成绩,包括2次站在领奖台上——来自比利时的Kevin De Mesmaeker取得了环加利福尼亚自行车赛第四赛段第三名的好成绩,来自荷兰的Martijn Verschoor取得了沙格奈河大奖赛第一赛段第二名的好成绩。本赛季其他优秀成绩还包括:由战胜癌症的Charles Planet(法国)在环加利福尼亚自行车赛上赢得的敢斗奖,由David Lozano(西班牙)在Cholet Pays De Loire自行车赛上赢得的爬山王圆点衫。
Team Novo Nordisk is a global all-diabetes sports team of cyclists, triathletes and runners, spearheaded by the world’s first all-diabetes professional cycling team. The team’s mission is to inspire, educate and empower people affected by diabetes.
In December 2012, Novo Nordisk and Phil Southerland, co-founder and CEO of Team Novo Nordisk, partnered to create Team Novo Nordisk, based on a shared goal to educate and inspire people around the world affected by diabetes.
The all-diabetes men’s professional cycling team races on the International Cycling Union (UCI) Professional Continental Tour, competing in major professional races around the world.
In their first season as an all diabetes team in 2013, Team Novo Nordisk achieved great success both on and off the bike. They took more than 20 top 10 finishes and three podium finishes, met thousands of people inspired by their message and empowered by their actions, and currently have a Facebook following nearly 800k.
As of July, Team Novo Nordisk has earned 15 top ten finishes in the 2014 season.
These include two appearances on the podium, with Kevin De Mesmaeker (BEL) taking third place on Stage 4 of the Amgen Tour of California and Martijn Verschoor (NED) sprinting to second place on Stage 1 of the Grand Prix Cycliste de Saguenay.
Other notable results of the season include Charles Planet (FRA) earning the Amgen Breakaway from Cancer Most Courageous Rider jersey during the Amgen Tour of California and David Lozano (ESP) winning the King of the Mountains jersey at Cholet Pays De Loire.
The remainder of Team Novo Nordisk’s 2014 season will take them to cities in the USA, Europe and Asia, as they continue racing to change diabetes.
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场上车手飞,场外手指动, 用行动表达对世界精英的热情吧!!