环岛赛首届十大"狼途"最具骑士精神车手评比候选人014号--波兰CCC 塔西阿科
发布时间:2014-10-19 浏览次数:1491


波兰CCC 塔西阿科具有迷人的外星人气质, 与科幻大片<<安德的游戏>>中主角神似度很高; 






推荐理由:  拥有环岛赛爬坡王荣誉的马特兹·塔西阿科    Mateusz Taciak 具有迷人和独特的外形气质, 在所有车手中有天外来客的形象, 在任何一个体育赛事中, "外星人"称号一旦上身, 一定具备很强大的魔力. 

马特兹·塔西阿科    Mateusz Taciak

生日:1984619日  国籍:波兰


2014   Szlakiem Grodow Piastowskich赛       总成绩第一

2013   Szlakiem Grodow Piastowskich赛       总成绩第三

           环岛赛  环岛赛爬坡王圆点衫 

2012   Dookola Mazowsza赛                 总成绩第一   Szlakiem Grodow Piastowskich赛       总成绩第三

2011  环青海湖赛                          总成绩第三、赛段冠军、赛段第二

2009  Memoriał Andrzeja Trochanowskiego赛  冠军


波兰CCC洲际职业队一共有19名车手。队中的大明星是经验丰富的意大利人Davide Rebellin,他在今年的各大赛事中十次荣登领奖台。其他的著名车手有Maciej Paterski(2014年环挪威赛冠军、2014年环波兰赛爬坡王)、 Marek Rutkiewicz(九次进入环波兰赛个人总成绩前十名)、Bartlomiej Matysiak(2014年波兰全国冠军)、Tomasz Marczynski(2013年环西班牙自行车赛个人总成绩第十三名),还包括队中速度最快的纯冲刺手Grzegorz Stepniak,及与时间赛跑最得心应手的计时赛车手Mateusz Taciak。

Jaroslaw Marycz和Jacek Morajko拥有丰富的国际大赛经验,曾分别效力于UCI世巡赛车队——盛宝银行车队和瓦坎索雷车队。除Rebellin之外,橙衣军团中还有3位外籍车手,分别是来自白俄罗斯的优秀爬坡手Branislau Samoilau、来自保加利亚的全能型车手Nikolay Mihaylov和来自捷克的天才车手Josef Cerny。

波兰CCC洲际职业队由前著名车手Piotr Wadecki负责管理,他曾在环瑞士赛和环卢森堡赛中获得第二名,在巴黎--尼斯赛中获得赛段冠军,在悉尼奥运会上获得个人总成绩第七名的好成绩。

波兰CCC洲际职业队已参加过三次环海南岛自行车赛,最好成绩是在去年由Adrian Honkisz 获得的个人总成绩第七名和Taciak 获得的爬坡王称号。


CCC Polsat Polkowice has Professional Continental status and is the most successful Polish team. The squad sponsored by CCC company has been on a cycling map since the year 2000. In the season 2014 it has taken part in the most prestigious international races, such as Volta a Catalunya, Amstel Gold Race, Giro del Trentino, Tour of Norway, Tour de Suisse and the biggest cycling event in Poland, Tour de Pologne.

The biggest star of the team is experienced Italian Davide Rebellin, who has claimed over 10 podium spots this year. The other big names are Maciej Paterski – winner of Tour of Norway 2014 and King of the Mountains in Tour de Pologne 2014, Marek Rutkiewicz – 9-time Top10 finisher in the general classification of Tour de Pologne, Bartlomiej Matysiak – Polish Champion 2014 and Tomasz Marczynski – placed 13th overall in the Vuelta a Espana 2013. The fastest man on the team is the pure sprinter Grzegorz Stepniak. The rider who feels the most comfortable in the race against the clock, is the time trialist, Mateusz Taciak.

Jaroslaw Marycz and Jacek Morajko both have international experience and raced for UCI WorldTour teams. The former was part of Saxo Bank team, and the later of Vacansoleil – DCM. Aside from Rebellin, there are three other foreign riders representing “orange colors” - great climber from Belarus, Branislau Samoilau, all-rounder from Bulgaria, Nikolay Mihaylov and very talented Czech, Josef Cerny.  In total there are 19 riders on the roster.

The team is run by Piotr Wadecki, a former cyclist (2nd in Tour de Suisse and Tour de Luxemburg, won a stage in Paris-Nice, and was 7th in the Olympic Games in Sydney).

CCC Polsat Polkowice has been to Tour of Hainan three times. So far the best result comes from last year’s edition, when Adrian Honkisz was ranked 7th in the final GC and Taciak won the mountain classification.

车队赞助商:  整理中;  

装备赞助商:  整理中 ;

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